My Miniature Horse

Miniature horses are well known for their friendly characteristics and behavior. They are fun animals to raise and they interact beautifully with children. Miniature horses are very easy to train and are very loyal.

They have unique abilities and can be trained for specific demands like guiding blind people and help with treatments for people with disabilities. All these reasons make them such desirable animals.

How do I take care of my Miniature Horse:

Since a mini horse is such a friendly animal, it is very recommended not to raise it alone. A miniature horse should be raised with other miniature horses if possible.

A regular stable that is used for regular horses can be a perfect house for a miniature horse after few adjustments. The mini horse should have access to food and water anytime, so all facilities should be lowered down for the horse to be able to reach them.
Naturally, a miniature horse needs less space than a regular horse, but just like a regular horse, the mini horse needs access to pasture or any other pleasant environment that will allow the horse to get some exercise and enjoy some freedom in nature. A miniature horse needs to be provided with a minimum of 1/4 acre of pasture.

Make sure your area is secured and well kept. A mini horse, unlike regular horses can get easily hurt from holes & obstacles.
Feed your miniature horse with hay daily. The horse must have access to grass. The daily food amount for a miniature horse has to be 2% of its weight. If your horse has constant access to grass, usually it won’t be necessary to feed it with hay. Make sure your miniature horse will not gain too much weight since they have such tendency.
Brush your miniature horse every day. It is a great bond with the animal and excellent activity mainly for children. This treatment will keep your horse clean and healthy. When brushing, make sure not to stand behind the horse, let to horse see you, the horse should trust you completely.

Your mini horse should get annual veterinary care. Make sure you give your horse deworming medications every 8 weeks. These medications are very important for your horse’s health. Check with your veterinarian that your  horse is getting the proper medications on time. Also, make sure your horse receives an annual dental check.
If you have more questions on how to raise and treat your  horse, please do not hesitate and contact us.

We will be very happy to know your horse is getting the best attention and that you are all enjoying and having a special bond and quality time with this adorable and unique animal.


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